by Dr. Anjali Bhim rjka
Survival of the fittest
is an often heard cliché. However it is one that is the basis of all mankind. Survival , however means different things to
different people. Some need power to survive; some need money whereas some need social approval to survive. However for me
after 17 years of internal struggles and conflicts there came a realization, it’s the mind that controls the body and
the spirit . Awareness of one’s mind is the key to the ultimate in well
being. This realization led me to seek a discipline that would encompass the basic truth within together with the reality
outside. I found Jeet Kune Do, which was to become my truth and my connection with reality..
I am Anjali Bhimrajka,
a 36 year old woman, wife & mother of two. I got married into an Industrialist family at a very early age. Getting entangled
in traditional ideals, I spent all my time living up to traditional expectations and lost touch with my core & inner self.
After bearing two children, a 17 year old daughter & 12 year old son, I gained
20 kg & got completely demoralized.. My profile as a socially active person always put me under a lot of pressure to comply
to the demands of my status & the society around me. I would spend most of my time attending social get-togethers &
organizing parties, rather than communicate with my inner core. I had to be the perfect hostess and mine had to be the perfect
party .My hair had to perfectly coiffured and my outfit had to be from the top designer label. If I was invited to five parties
in the same evening, I had to attend all of them irrespective of time constraints or my own exhaustion.
In an attempt to lose
weight, I was recommended to do train in Kick-boxing. Seeking the best people
around, I located JKD Ideology India, the IMB Asian chapter. I had to make 50 phone calls to get an appointment, as the Instructors
were out of town for quite some time.
Ultimately, I started
learning JKD in April 2008.
I did not realize that JKD would be such a complete answer to all that I was seeking. Not only did I find
the physical results in terms of my weight loss and energy levels, but also the
mental strength to deal with life in its suchness. I met & interacted with My teachers Dr’s Deepak & Seema Rao,
who are also qualified MD doctors who do & teach JKD as their life’s love, not as a profession. They were qualified Instructors under Richard Bustillo, Iron Dragon of JKD, one of the few Original students
of Bruce Lee.
I had also previously
injured the anterior cruciate ligament in my left knee joint about a year ago.
That meant I could not stand without support and could not walk for months .
That also meant that the fat loss program I was on, would come to an abrupt halt. I was advised arthroscopic knee joint surgery.
I refused to go for it. My teachers Dr. Rao patiently motivated me to heal with the correct diet and with a carefully devised
physiotherapy program.
Dr. Rao then started teaching me my JKD with so much patience and conviction
that even I began believing in myself. I learnt that first kick, that first punch, that first paksao, that first throw.
Today, I have completed 18 months of JKD training. I can do high kicks, run cross country, sparr and basically do every thing
much better than any person with intact knees. I have also lost 15 kgs of body
weight over 1 year. I enjoy contact sparring with full body gear every weekend.
My daily work out has
become a religion for me. I learnt on the physical level to go that extra mile,
to land the last punch even at the height of exhaustion. As I learnt these values, I also learnt to apply these to almost
every situation in everyday life. Perseverance, faith and a well defined regime makes any circumstance, no matter how insurmountable,
easy to overcome.
But my thoughts began
to change and as my journey of seeking mental peace and detachment ensued I also ventured into perfecting my inner person.
This discovery of being able to detach from things that are expected to be done
to what I would really like to do brought out the dormant self worth in me.
On 26/11, I was supposed
to go for a dinner party one night at the Taj Hotel. I was very tired that evening.
Suddenly, I didn’t see any meaning in attending the party. My spiritual growth kept reminding me of the futility of
my socialite life. My hip joint was also painful due to trivial muscle injury. In other circumstances I would have taken painkillers
and attended that dinner party anyway. But now, I was averse to doing that and instead cancelled my plans. That very same
night the Taj terror attacks took place. 2
terrorists stormed into the Taj and started shooting randomly at the diners with AK-47 bursts creating a sea of blood &
a volley of terror. Most of my friends who were dining there were killed. But I lived, due to my JKD which had altered my
thoughts & my values.
Every year, I travel to
various countries, globetrotting to imbibe new places, people and culture. My martial journey had become such a relevant part
of my being that I started seeking it everywhere I went. My teacher advised me to experience various martial arts all over
the world. So, In order to understand JKD more deeply, I experienced some of the traditional arts.
In Singapore, I attended
a session of Filipino Kali. The instructor taught
some locks in flow with elbow and knee. Then he played on drums and put us to spar with sticks. At the end of the session
he discussed the history of an ancient Indonesian weapon.
The next session I attended
was Aikido which was taught by a Japanese Master . This comprised of complicated locking and throwing. It all felt Strange
and Unreal to me. After every set of instructions we had to give sitting respects to the teacher.
My next experience was
Fencing. The instructor, young French man taught me the footwork and the correct way to thrust the foil. Basic rules were
It was BJJ next. There was a Japanese instructor, pink belt he told me and the best in S’pore. Well, he taught
me a lot of moving on the ground, a lot of locks on the mat and getting out of pins. It felt a lot like Judo.
Next came OJKD .The instructor
after a lot of warm up exercises. He then went on to teach us kicking and punching in combinations. It seemed very traditional
& conforming. I got bored & I found myself waiting for the session to end.
I experienced a JKD concept
class in Washington DC. I was taken through the warm up routine followed by kicking and kick boxing combinations. After that
I was given 3 different opponents to spar with. All instructions and teaching seemed to predominantly favour western boxing.
I experienced another
JKD session in NYC. I had been assigned a junior instructor, who took me through warm up. There was emphasis on knee elbow
range and very few locks. He also took me through 12 zones with stick. It felt like an out and out Filipino Kali session.
In contrast to all this
my training at JKD Ideology India, the IMB Asia chapter, has been a very holistic and fulfilling experience. In my experience
so far , I do not think I have met any instructor who has truly understood & explained the essence of JKD, the way my
teacher, Prof. Dr. Rao has. JKD as taught by Richard Bustillo, our grandmaster was not a fixed doctrine, a set of techniques
to be learnt. It was a concept, an ideology wherein each student has to research the ranges, absorb useful techniques, reject
what doesnot work & most importantly tailormake fighting to suit his self. The teacher is the guide to helping you find
your truth & not a pointer of the truth. This Bustillo doctrine of having no doctrine is very obvious in the personality
of Dr’s Rao, staunch students of Bustillo, the Iron Dragon of JKD.
There is a systematic,
step by step instruction for students. There are open discussions on techniques and various application of the same in given
situations. The advantages & disadvantages of each technique is discussed without bias. Application of the JKD Principles
is discussed with reference to any and every situation in combat & parallels are drawn in life’s situations. The
training programs are constantly tailormade to each individual depending on his specific needs and aptitude with constant
encouragement. The overall training program constantly evolves with study of various tactics from different martial arts being
constantly analyzed & scrutinized. We are made aware of our Bushido in life’s arena – Courage, Benevolence,
Righteousness, Honor & Duty. Discussions are held & individual experiences are narrated for all to comment openly
& learn the applications of Samurai principles of honest, sincere & honorable living.
This synchronization of
the body, mind and spirit somehow has given me a lot of strength and inspiration to persevere goals that once were only dreams.
I have been able to pursue my education restarting at the mature age of 36 & complete my PhD Doctorate successfully &
qualify as a Doctor of Science
I have learnt to balance
the materialistic with the spiritual, the craving for personal power with the craving for peace , the requirement for social acceptance with the absolute necessity of self acceptance. I seem to have finally
In the words of James
Oppenheim, “The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet” .
Thank you JKD, Thank you JKD-IMB-Asia
Dr. Anjali Bhimrajka PhD
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http:// jeetkunedoindia . tripod . com
Our E Mail Address
Call Janam (Mumbai)
9820496752 or 9969022229
- THANE (Ghodbunder Road)
Come Join the JKD India fraternity
of Ordinary People with Extraordinary Fighting Attitude!
You may take my body, but you
never kill my Spirit.
You may be able to kick my ass,
but you will
never kick the ass out of my
I will never let you take away
my Indomitable Will to Survive"
- Bruce Lee
Bottom Note:
The Philosophy of Jeet Kune Do Ideology, Mumbai
The Jeet Kune Do Ideology Mumbai is inspired by fighting principles of the legendary
Lee & Sun Tzus art of War.
This Jeet Kune Do ideology will help the Mumbai based martial Arts seeker and practitioner
to find his destination. The destination can vary from physical prowess in the ring to combat & martial art skills to
mental balance and eventually to spiritual development.
Jeet Kune Do is a journey and represents each mans search for truth both in the Martial
arts and in life. Lee has said that via Jeet Kune Do Life opens its
avenues to us.
Lee founded Jeet Kune Do, but wished he did not have a name for it. Lee
fans and martial arts enthusiasts all over the world have elevated the word Jeet Kune Do to its present spectacular status.
The martial arts seekers and Lee fans in Mumbai can avail of these benefits from
the Jeet Kune Do Ideology.
Those outside Mumbai, in and around India can also approach us for guidance
in their Jeet Kune Do journey. If you are prepared to travel to Mumbai, we will help you with your martial arts evolution
Arts are the art of bare handed combat between two individuals. Martial Arts in our school in Bombay Mumbai India like Kickboxing,
Karate, Taekwondo, Hapkido, Judo, Boxing, Wrestling, Isreali Krav Maga, BJJ, Wing Chun, Shaolin Kung Fu, Ninja, Jiu Jutsu
/ Jitsu, jeet Kune Do JKD, Filipino Philipino Martial arts, Kali, Arnis, Escrima, Silat, Capoeira, Self Defense Defence for
Women & Ladies are all modern day martial arts. These arts are taught only at our academy in a scientific way. Martial
Arts in our school in Bombay Mumbai India like Kickboxing, Karate, Taekwondo, Hapkido, Judo, Boxing, Wrestling, Isreali Krav
Maga, BJJ, Wing Chun, Shaolin Kung Fu, Ninja, Jiu Jutsu / Jitsu, jeet Kune Do JKD, Filipino Philipino Martial arts, Kali,
Arnis, Escrima, Silat, Capoeira, Self Defense Defence for Women & Ladies are taught with absolute safety and concern.
Martial Arts in our school in Mumbai India like Kickboxing, Karate, Taekwondo, Hapkido, Judo, Boxing, Wrestling, Isreali Krav
Maga, BJJ, Wing Chun, Shaolin Kung Fu, Ninja, Jiu Jutsu / Jitsu, jeet Kune Do JKD, Filipino Philipino Martial arts, Kali,
Arnis, Escrima, Silat, Capoeira, Self Defense Defence for Women & Ladies are taught with personal attention and one on
one personalized training. Martial Arts in our school in Mumbai India like Kickboxing, Karate, Taekwondo, Hapkido, Judo, Boxing,
Wrestling, Isreali Krav Maga, BJJ, Wing Chun, Shaolin Kung Fu, Ninja, Jiu Jutsu / Jitsu, jeet Kune Do JKD, Filipino Philipino
Martial arts, Kali, Arnis, Escrima, Silat, Capoeira, Self Defense Defence for Women & Ladies is taught by worldwide authentic
experts at our academy. Martial Arts in our school in Mumbai India like Kickboxing, Karate, Taekwondo, Hapkido, Judo, Boxing,
Wrestling, Isreali Krav Maga, BJJ, Wing Chun, Shaolin Kung Fu, Ninja, Jiu Jutsu / Jitsu, jeet Kune Do JKD, Filipino Philipino
Martial arts, Kali, Arnis, Escrima, Silat, Capoeira, Self Defense Defence for Women & Ladies is taught under medical supervision
to avoid injury and ensure maximum fitness. For learning Martial Arts in our school in Mumbai India like Kickboxing, Karate,
Taekwondo, Hapkido, Judo, Boxing, Wrestling, Isreali Krav Maga, BJJ, Wing Chun, Shaolin Kung Fu, Ninja, Jiu Jutsu / Jitsu,
jeet Kune Do JKD, Filipino Philipino Martial arts, Kali, Arnis, Escrima, Silat, Capoeira, Self Defense Defence for Women &
Ladies you have to approach us. After all if you wanna learn to fight, better learn from the best.
Dr Seema Rao